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The Very Beginning


Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority is founded at New York University School of Law by Minna Goldsmith Mahler, Eva Effron Robin, Ida Bienstock Landau, Sylvia Steierman Cohn, and Dorothy Cohen Schwartzman on March 17.


First issue of the official sorority magazine, the Triangle, Published as a quarterly. 
Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority incorporated in the State of New York.
Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority goes international with the chartering of the Epsilon Chapter at McGill University (Montreal, Quebec)


International Convention held at the World's Fair, Chicago, Illinois.


World War II: Each soror and alumna resolved to devote a minimum of three hours per week to a war endeavor.


DPhiE becomes a member of the National Panhellenic Conference.
Delta Phi Epsilon's official magazine the TRIANGLE renamed the TRIAD.


Edward R. Murrow is named DPhiE Man of the Year. Here he accepts his award from Rita Rossner, International President, and Etta Taube Sherman (Zeta, University of Toronto), NPC Delegate.


Cystic Fibrois is named as one of our international philanthropies. One of our alumnae, Phyllis Kossoff (Delta) is the co-Founder of the Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation.


Delta Phi Epsilon holds its first joint convention with Tau Epsilon Phi fratenity, a tradition that continues until 1983.


International Headquarters moves to Stamford, Connecticut.


The Unicorn is named Delta Phi Epsilon's mascot.


International Headquarters moves to St. Louis, Missouri.
DPhiE assumes lead role in NPC as Harriett Block Macht (Delta Delta, Indiana University) becomes National Panhellenic Conference Chairwoman at NPC's 100th Biennial Meeting.


DPhiE goes online. 


International Headquarters moves to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


International Headquarters purchases a permanent residence in historic Center City, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

DPhiE introduces the new Standards of Excellence and Chapter Assessment Program.


On March 17, DPhiE turned 100 years old. 

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